Iran & Nuclear "energy"
This week (or weekend?) an Iran nuclear physicist was assassinated. By who we do not know. Some publicly claim Israel is behind the attack, but the truth about international relations is we don't know with 100% certainty. I lean towards the theory that Israel used our intel, but we have an interest in keeping that quiet. Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was the nuclear scientist killed, and I'll elaborate a bit on this action. Why didn't this get more attention? Well, it definitely could have gotten plenty of news coverage, but I've been super busy this week not watching TV, I just came across it Monday on a tweet. See, The Obama Administration wanted to "proliferate" Iran with nuclear "energy." Thus the hubristic phrase used by many liberal political scientist scholars "Nuclear Proliferation." This phrase carries a lot of significance in global Liberalism, but not to Realists. The basic idea of Realists is that if a country is enriching uranium...